Saturday, July 17, 2010

Post-Conflict Reconstruction - through PeaceBuilding Liberia

Vacation Peace Education School Started off well and great!! The Themes for the three sessions are: “Peer Mediation for Peer Solutions” – for students/youths; “Learning Peace to Teach Peace” – for Center for Peace Education teachers; and “Be The Example of the Change you would like to see in Liberia” – for communities dwellers, politicians, religious leaders, etc.

Special “Thank You” to Prof. Nilani Ljunggren de Silva from Stockholm University, Sweden and Ms. Yves-Renne Jennings from George Masson University, Virginia, USA who helped tremendously with the teachings.

The Center for Peace Education (CPE) lessons are conducted through dance, art, drama, songs, poems, drawing, etc so as to portray a culture of peace, reconciliation, a world of tolerance, creative self-esteem and expression. Through CPE lesson presentations, students are not only learning that peace is possible, but even more importantly, how to make it possible.

For a generation deprived of childhood, for a generation accustomed to awarding violent behaviors, CPE teachings buffers the impact of war, enhances students inner peace, and brings cheerily expressions into their lives.

To our many supporters and friends, CPE says “Thank You” for you financial and materials support for making this year vacation peace-building training a success!! Please follow the links below for videos and pictures update: or